fresh hand made skincare

Saturday 17 September 2011

3 must haves in your cupboard

As far as I am concerned there are 3 must haves in my medical  and beauty cupboard...Aloe vera, Lavender essential oil and coconut oil.
Aloe vera is known as the "Burn Plant" and is wonderful if you have any sort of skin burns whether sunburn or a domestic type of burn. It has both anti-inflammatory and anti-viral viral properties. It is soothing and moisturising and is a rich source of vitamins A,B,C,F & B, so is extremely beneficial in skincare products.
Lavender essential oil is a real MUST HAVE. It has too many benefits to mention, but we all know it it can be an aid to insomnia, so a couple of drops on your pillow or in an oil diffuser at bed time may just help you get off to sleep. It also has anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties so can be used neat on burns or diluted in aloe vera or coconut oil on cuts or open wounds.
Coconut oil is so soothing and moisturising and can be used topically as well as internally! Due to it's anti-viral, anti-septic and anti-microbial properties and it's rich source of vitamin E, it is a must have in skincare (great for acne,eczema and psoriasis)  use it to hydrate, nourish and add shine to dry hair and skin . For headlice, just add to the full length of your hair and combe out...those mites wont stand a chance!
For a really simple but effective moisturiser.....I tablespoon  each of Aloe Vera and Coconut Oil to this add flat teaspoon of honey and 3 drops of Lavender Essential Oil, mix well add to a jar and keep refridgerated. It can be used on the face and body to nourish,heal and moisturise and is safe enough to use on children.
Why not give it a go and see the benefits of going Natural!
NB. like any skincare products always do a patch test first.

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