fresh hand made skincare

Sunday 26 February 2012

If you need some 'uplift' look no further than Pumpkinseed oil

I use Pumpkin Seed Oil in Skinvelop skincare products when a lifting and tightening effect is required.
It has a high zinc and Essential Fatty acid content and is an excellent lifting oil for dry, mature and damaged skin. It is an excellent natural oil where a lifting effect is required, so along with Pseudo collagen it tends to be perfect for facial, abdominal, upper leg and breast lifting/ preparations.

It is high in vitamins A, B2, B3, potassium, magnesium and most importantly zinc. It is also high in omegas 9, 6 and 3.

I use it in:
Eye Therapy
Daily Moisture Boost
Daily Moisture Tint
And our NEW Toning & Circulation Boosting Body Lotion

Why I use Aloe Vera in ALL Skinvelop skincare products

Well if it was good enough for Cleopatra, I reckon it is good enough for us!
I use Aloe Vera or to give it it's proper name 'Aloe Barbadensis' in EVERY single item of Skinvelop skincare..even soap, because I believe it to have the most amazing moisturising and healing properties and is suitable for all skin types!
Contained within this amazing plant are many vitamins, minerals and amino acids which help stimulate cell renewal, contributing to the growth of new collagen and elastin within the skin, leaving your complexion, younger, fresher and healthier looking. These properties make it ideal when used in skin preparation such as, anti ageing and helping to speed up the repair of scar tissue.
Aloe vera is one of the most versatile and nutritious plants. Whether used externally or internally, it's beauty and healing properties are an absolute Must Have...

*Same PH as skin 5.5 approx

*Vitamins:B1, B2, B6, C, E, folic acid, beta-carotene

*Minerals:Calcium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, zinc, copper, chromium

*Amino acids:Lysine, threonine, valine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine

Why I use Coconut Oil in ALL Skinvelop skincare products

A 'Hero' skincare ingredient used in ALL Skinvelop Skincare is Coconut oil.
Contrary to what you may think, coconut oil has relatively no smell and sinks straght int your skin like magic!
I find it works for every skin type, except possibly acne prone skin! Like essential oil it has very small molecules, which allows it's goodness to be absorbed into the deeper levels of the skin and because of this , skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis and dry damaged skin can be dramatically soothed andhelped.
Used in conjunction with my other hero ingredientAloe Vera, its natural chemical composition works hard to rid the skin's outer surface of dead and flaking skin cells, eventually leaving your complexion looking brighter and smoother with a more even & youthful texture. ..Even brown spots due to to ageing and sun damage can be dramatically reduced!
As if all that isn't enough, thanks to the high percentage of essential fatty acids, it also has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial properties, so helps fight fungal and skin infections.
So there you are, just a fraction of the wonders of what coconut oil can do and why i wouldn't be without it!
Jean xx

Potassium Phosphorus Calcium Magnesium Iron Sodium ManganeseZincCopper Selenium

Vitamin C Vitamin B1 Vitamin B2 Niacin Pantothenic Acid - Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin E Vitamin K

Essential Fatty Acids
lauric acid linoleic acid oleic acid

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Sea salt for the home

If your house is a bit damp and musty smelling, here is another natural tip.
Fill a small bowl with sea salt, add about 20 drops of any essential oil of your choice ( lavender or a blend of orange & geranium is lovely) mix with a spoon and leave on a window sill or somewhere away from children or pets.
The salt will draw in any dampness and the oils act as a lovely natural air freshener.
Add fresh oils every week or two and replace the salt monthly or therabouts

Friday 6 January 2012

Boost your lymphatic system

Happy New Year everyone!
How are you all feeling after the festivities?..
Have you, like everyone else been over indulging and maybe now feeling a bit sluggish? Well before you go mad and start on the ridgid dieting proramme, remember at this time of year a bit of extra body weight is not such a bad thing.

All animals shed a few pounds over these cold winter's natural! Think about it, if you suddenly start dieting and cutting down on all those essential vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids, your immune system will go into crisis!...and we all know what happens then!

Why not be realistic and start gently,steadily cutting a back a little each week.
It is a season that we naturally tend to hibernate more and excercise less! Our lymphatic system becomes sluggish (do you notice crease marks and puffiness on your face ,legs and waist areas?) and any weight we have put on is more difficult to lose!

 You can help give your lymphatic system a boost by massaging with a dry, natural bristle body brush.
Dry body brushing will help stimulate the circulatory system and bring much needed nutrients to the surface of the skin, to help repair and feed it. With regular use you will notice your skin looking healthier,brighter and clearer, with less imperfections. And any discomfort due to edema and puffiness will be lessened.

Starting from the soles of your feet and working up towards your heart area, work the brush in circular movements followed by long sweeping movements, covering every part of your body. The movements should be light and quick, don't worry if the skin goes slightly red, as this is a good sign that the blood circulation is getting a well needed boost!

By making this a part of your daily routine, you will soon notice and feel the difference. Your skin will be visibly healthier, clearer and softer. Water retention will be less of a problem and because you are giving the circulatory system a boost, that in turn will help speed up your losing those extra inches will be easier!

So this New Year, why not try working with your body and nature, to see what happens!

    Jean xx